Azure Functions Quirks or How I stop worrying and love AzureFunctionsWebHost__hostid
How do you say 3747th in Spanish?
I can't tell the difference between 4K and 1080 and neither can you ... probably
The Golden Age that never was or how you misremember how good Netflix was
18% more productive
Terraform's disappointing object type
The drunkard looking for his keys under the streetlight problem
Insurance fraud does not raise your premium
Prioritize having a good relationship with your teammates.
Re: Ansible
We don't need another hero: Incidents vs Slow Fixes.
Turbo button for SQL Server or How I (re)learned about MAXDOP
I have fallen foul of Tesco's Scan as you Shop algorithm
How I manage terraform code for multiple environments
The one thing that Stadia got right or lessons in shutting down an online service
Lessons learnt from reading a book a week for the past 10 years
The Case for Higher Pay in the Civil Service
Validate Azure Pipelines with pre-commit hook
Why Engineers Hate Recruiters in one picture
What else can I change?
Secret Scanning Tools
Poor Man's Azure Backup
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